this bathroom was in the basement of a really dingy and dark club that we stayed at when we played there in Bern. it had a lot of towels in it, which was great, because i dont want to get mine wet. it was kind of weird, because it was one of those detachable shower heads on a long hose, but the holder thing was broken, so you couldnt hook it up to stand beneath it. this turned out ok, because all i really did was sit at the bottom of this shower for an hour before we played, and another hour in the morning, before we left.
it was a seriously inspired decision to get out of bed an hour early, and sit there in the shower. my eyes felt less devastated and molested, but still retained the look of two angry little red smudges weeping boozey stingy tears.
this bathroom was ok, considering. and any bathroom that i can sit in for two hours in less than ten hours, makes me a happy little alcoholic. thanks cafe wagner! but really, get some light bulbs, its like a tomb down there.