so first micheal was the chef at the place where we played, he cooked this really yum meal that sam had only made me eat half a subway for in the afternoon, so i would still be hungry by dinner time.  this made me angry at the time, cause i thought sam would want some of my subway, cause my thing is, i would rather buy someone their own food item, than share my one.  is this selfish?  i dont know if it is, all i know is that most times, i will get the amount of food that i feel like eating, i dont get extra so i can share and still not be hungry.  this makes me sound like the greediest pig, and maybe thats accurate.  anyway, it turned out best that i didnt gorge myseld too much at lunch, because dinner was very very nice.   
i learnt a couple of things on this night, the first being that its quite difficult to discern between nice weirdos and scary weirdos when there is a language barrier.  i think we all found ourselves giving quite a bit of time to people who i think were just using us for ciggies and free drinks.  live and learn.
anyway so after the gig we walked about half an hour carrying all our stuff to stay at the chef micheal's house.  the second thing i learnt:  when people say five minutes down the road, they always, always mean at least half an hour.  sam and stef motored off ahead, so i got stuck making pretty useless conversation with the chef guy walking behind them.  in all honesty, i think my conversation consisted at least in part, of me learning how to say 'i am playing with my balls' in german, like the disgusting tourist i am.
so we get back to his house, and its about 9 stories high, and he lives on the top floor.  the higher we got in the building the hotter it got, till by the top it was like in a steamy bathroom.  the guy was so nice, he actually gave the three of us his bedroom, and slept in the lounge, actually i think he went out to another party after we went to sleep, so he musta been wasted in the morning.  he had water bottles and towels for us, and told us to be ready for breakfast in the morning.  he was stuck in a bit of a drunken glitch for a while in the door of the bedroom as he was saying goodnight, he kept repeating over and over, 'ok, well sleep well.  see you in the morning, we will have breakfast, frank will come over', then standing there with his hands on his hips for an awkward moment, before he began the cycle again.  maye he was that wasted; maybe he wanted a kiss goodnight.
so the bathroom.  i have three words for you: hair, removal, cream.  this was a welcome find in a bathroom, as i have been getting ingrown hairs on my legs, and i hate wearing shorts in the summer with really scabby legs.  however, whatever points this bathroom racked up for having this luxury item were immediately taken away by the following three words: two, in, one.  there was no conditioner, which is really annoying, how does two in one work anyway?  surely the two things cannot co-exist in the same product?  conditioner giveth what the shampoo doth take away?  it did have a hairdryer AND a powerpoint though, and anything that saves me rummaging through the giant suitcase crammed full of shit that sam and i share, gets my vote.  and earns valuable points.
so the guy who we stayed with was taller than me, he musta been about 6"2'.  and his bathroom ceiling was way too short for me to stand in, he must've had to be hunched over all the time when he was in there.  and where the shower was, a shower/bath combo, the roof was espcially low, with a skylight window directly over where you stood in the shower, that you could open and stand up straight, with your head poking out, surveying the goings on on the street below.  when i got up, and i was still fuzzy and bleary from the wine the night before, i stood there like a dazed bird on a beach, my red eyes poking deleriously out of the roof of the bathroom, blankly watching two old ladies talk in german in a carpark on the ground, feeling the most detached i have felt in a long time.  
toilet in bathroom, lost points.  toothbrush + toothpaste combo, gains points.  comes out somewhere on top.