ella was real nice, looked young but was kinda old, looked a bit like patti smith, taught us about gypsies and a little about her divorce, which had ended a twenty year marriage.  her house was really 70's and kitschy, with orange lights and veneer looking walls.  when we got back to her house she took us out to sit in her courtyard outside, brought out this massive bottle of red wine and some beers for her and sam.  she was living with the young guy who organised the gig for us,he was a kind of skinny nerd who was really cool and nice, and i dont know but i had a feeling they may have been sleeping together, because the next afternoon when he got up, he was nude except for wearing her dressing gown, but i could be wrong.  i mean it was definitely her dressing gown, but he may not have slept with her to get it.   
her bathroom smelt like incense, which it is a wonder more people do not use this to de-scent their toilets, as it really does smell nice.  it was one of those ones that the floor is on a slope and is made of the same stuff that the bottom of the shower is made of, and the shower had no curtain, so its kinda like showering in the whole room.  she had one beauty product, which was one smallish jar of moisturiser, which she had told us the night before that she had never really used before until her sister had forced it upon her a month ago.  she had really good skin for how old she was, considering she smoked and drank too.  
the only bad thing about staying with ella, was that we stayed there with the other band that we had played with that night.  the girl in the band was nice, but the guy thought he was the most famous cool guy in the world, in a way that you knew he secretly suspected he was the lamest loser in the world, and lived in constant fear that he was going to get exposed at any minute.  i knew he was a loser, cause in the morning when i was in the shower shaving my legs with a blunt rasor, (see how obsessed with legs i have become!?)  i could hear him scrambling eggs, in this brisk robotic way, kinda angrily and repressed.  and he also didnt offer to make breakfast for all of us, which i would've done if i had discovered eggs, a whisk, a bowl, some oil, some bread, and some butter.
it was really a shame that this guy stayed with us, because ella really was unusually nice, and we had a really good time there apart from him.  he had a costume change before they played, even down to his shoes.  i hate people like him, they are really what is wrong with music in so many ways.
this bathroom lost all its points, cause i could hear him through it's walls, and it made me furious, right down into my guts.