Julians bathroom is the type of bathroom I would have if I had a house. well, its probably more like what i would've wanted to have when i was eighteen and carried round D H Lawrence books in my bag to seem learned. there are pictures on the wall and magazines on the floor. the picture's on the walls are of naked ladies, but they're old fashioned sepia photographs and the girls are wrapped in muslin with single white breasts peeking delicately out, not like play boy pics or something. i cant figure out if this makes julian sleazy, i suspect that the fact that the girls are 'arty' pictures, rather than run of the mill porn, is a subtle way of being sleazy, but not seeming so. there is a big window in this bathroom that opens wide up and looks out over the city of hobart, and even in the winter when it is bitterly cold outside, the window is always open. actually, their whole house is like that. some people just like fresh air i guess. i don't, i like it cosy and cloying, except for after a party when you wanna blow the hangover away. this bathroom loses points for having the toilet and shower in the same room, a predicament that i'm very used to by now. however, it gains points for having a big medicine cupboard, like a metre square, that always has Codral in it. and pain killers too. this time, it also had Voltaren, but i'm not sure exactly what this does, so i didn't indulge. i think it would've made me sleepy, and we had to play that night, so i didn't wanna try. this bathroom has high pale green ceilings, and almost feels like you are an artist in the sixties when you are in it. julian gave us all clean towels, so there was no need to use someone elses.

julian's shower is the worst shower i have ever encountered. the actual space that the shower occupies is fine, in fact it has a lovely echoey feel like the showers they have by spa baths and saunas to cool down in. but the water pressure is pathetic, just one tiny tiny dribble, that's either third degree burn hot, or pneumonia cold. you have to wash one limb at a time, and with the giant window open, it is fuckin cold. i think julian lives with only one guy, who is, by all accounts, quite strange, so i was suprised to find a duo of very designer looking shampoo and conditioner. i knew they were very expensive because there was very little written on the square bottles, and because they weren't called shampoo and conditioner, they were called something like 'GLUTTONY' and 'DESSERT'. i couldn't figure out who of the two guys would've bought something like that, and i know that neither of them has girlfriends. unfortunately, due to the lack of any sort of water pressure, i did not sample these products, so cannot say whether they were amazing or not. julian gets extra points for not apologising, or even mentioning, his severely retarded shower head. i get extra points for resisting the use of their tooth brushes, and settling for floss and mouthwash. julia loses points, for saying she was going to use the bathroom when we were drinking after the gig, when really she was slinking off to bed leaving me to talk to our host.